If you’re familiar with CliffsNotes, you might like what I’ve come up with as the newest addition to my site. I call them Nicole’s Notes, and they’re book summaries mainly designed to give you a “gentle” summary of what the book is about.
These summaries are “one-sheeters” with a brief summary, images, and easter eggs, along with the tropes or themes from the book. I’ve also added a little triggers section where relevant, but you should keep in mind that while I’ve mentioned some triggers, there’s always a possibility there might be something that I’ve missed.
The idea of these summaries is to give readers who enjoyed the books a chance to “re-read” it in summary form and see the avatars for the characters, along with some of those images I mentioned, and if you haven’t read the book but you’re searching for your next read, you might want to give the summary a read-through first to see if the book is right for you.
There are some mild spoilers in these summaries, but for the most part, I’ve tried to avoid anything major (i.e., directly naming who did it in a crime romance novel), so please be aware of that.
If you like these summaries, feel free to mention them, share them, and let me know!